Kia ora everyone,
I would like to share a very important information to all the citizens of Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Kiribati. The registrations are now open under the pacific quota to consider resident visa in New Zealand until 28th April 2017. The successful candidates will be selected by ballot. The principal applicant must be aged between 18 and 45 for the registration. Each family needs to fill only one registration form.
It would be sensible to have an acceptable job offer in hand in advance at the time of registration. However, if you (or your partner) genuinely believe that you have skills and capabilities and there are chances for you or your partner to get an acceptable job offer from a New Zealand employer, then you can register for your interest without a job offer.
Your registration is drawn from the ballot, and you would be given eight months to apply for residence in NZ. During this time, you can find yourself a suitable job to earn your livelihood in NZ.
This Pacific quota scheme is an excellent pathway to living permanently in NZ.
The last date to apply under this category is 28th April 2017.
If you are interested in applying under this category, please contact me NOW at
Or ring me at +64-210725733.
Thank you.
Ka kite ano (“see you all again” in Maori native New Zealand language)
Licensed Immigration Adviser New Zealand- No:201700213